Saturday 19 March 2016

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Established in 1991, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is an international research university dedicated to top-notch education and research.  Founded on its mission to advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research particularly in science, technology, engineering, management and business studies complemented by humanities and social sciences, as well as assisting in Hong Kong’s socioeconomic development, this young and ambitious University has gone beyond the wildest dreams of many, climbing high in international esteem and reaping numerous honors and accolades. In 2015, HKUST is ranked 59th among 800 universities and no.4 in the world’s top 100 Universities Under 50 by Times Higher Education.

With respect to individual Schools, HKUST also puts in a strong performance. The School of Engineering is named No. 16 amongst world’s top 100 engineering and technology universities by Times Higher Education World University Rankings published in 2015. It is ranked No. 1 in Greater China. Its much sought-after Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA (EMBA) program, amid high expectations, also topped the Financial Times EMBA global rankings for the fifth straight year.

Hailed widely as a ‘miracle’, the stunning achievements of HKUST do not come about miraculously.  They boil down to the University’s positioning as a focused elite research university; its strong ties to global institutions and wide-ranging connections with Mainland China; the championing of interdisciplinary studies; its dedication to educating well-rounded students who flourish in today’s world, strong in entrepreneurial spirits and innovative in thinking; its mission to be a global premier knowledge hub, crystallized in the Institute of Advanced Study; and, last but not least, a spectacular setting by the sea that makes the University an attractive location for the pursuit of intellectual and academic excellence.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is a young and dynamic university devoted to education and research particularly at the postgraduate level. Founded in 1991, HKUST comprises five schools – Science, Engineering, Business and Management, Humanities and Social Science, and the Fok Ying Tung Graduate School in Guangzhou. We also have various institutes, such as the Institute for Advanced Study of HKUST, and the HKUST Shenzhen Institute based in Shenzhen. Our world-class international faculty members, coming from diverse backgrounds, are all PhD-qualified. Our undergraduate and postgraduate students represent a large number of nationalities.

The School of Engineering (SENG) is the largest of the 6 Schools within HKUST. It has 6 departments: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. It is the only education provider on chemical engineering in Hong Kong. The School provides more than 40 degree programs at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.

In 2015-16, Times Higher Education World University Rankings in Engineering and Technology placed HKUST Engineering No.16 globally, the best ever position achieved by any local university since the establishment of this league table in 2010. QS World University Rankings by Faculty 2015 - Engineering and Technology ranked HKUST No.14 globally which made SENG No. 1 in Hong Kong for six consecutive years. SENG has over 100 exchange partner universities in 26 countries/regions in the world.

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